Life as a movie Are you ready to discover and begin to live your uniqueness in this next cycle? January 22nd ushers in the start for the years planetary cycle…
“One of the things about being a nine-centered being is coming to grips with—look at your BodyGraph. When you look at the BodyGraph and you look at those two sets of information you have to come to understand something about them, they are truly different things. We are a binary consciousness; we are a binary that lives in a duality. This is what we are. And as a binary consciousness, begin to understand that there are specific roles and there are specific roles that are oriented to each of these consciousnesses. It is what it is to be a nine-centered being; it is what Human Design reveals. It reveals that there is a consciousness that is there to operate this vehicle, this body, this machine, this life.
And this consciousness that has always been there, always ready to take its responsibility for carrying this force through its life correctly has been ignored, has been overwhelmed and it’s been overwhelmed by the Personality consciousness. We are a binary consciousness. And yet, our mind, the Personality, has dominated the way in which we have operated for thousands of years. It was the mainstay of the seven-centered being, the way they rose to power in the world. But for us? For us, the story is something that is quite different.
Throughout human history there has been this struggle to try to find “the way.” There have been so many people that point to this thing and that thing and the other thing. There have been so many paths and so many ways and so many teachers. And the net result of all of that is that none of it fulfilled its promises. It’s the magic of what the knowledge is. The knowledge brings you something that is just basically very, very fundamental. It is your doorway to understanding your potential. And when we’re dealing with the surface we’re dealing with is a realignment, it’s a cleansing process, it’s the way in which you remove yourself from the influences of the past that dominate your present and the possibility of whatever your future is going to be.
You have to see how important the surface is in the sense of breaking away from the mind’s control over your decision making process. As long as the mind is going to run your life you really are going to suffer. There is no question about it. And you’re not going to be able to gain access to what the substructure of the line brings, because it brings the true potential of differentiation. Think about the basic underlying construct of this knowledge. Its goal is to empower uniqueness. That’s its goal. Its goal is not to homogenize, not to create groups, not to create followers, not to create any of these things. The only thing that is there is the goal to empower uniqueness.
What we refer to as differentiation, every human being is born with the potential to differentiate. In other words, it’s the potential to truly be distinctively unique. Unique unfortunately is a word that’s been hammered to death in the world over the last 25, 30 years. It’s been hammered enough that there are fools around who think you can say something is more unique than something else. It galls.
To really understand the meaning of unique is to have a spiritual epiphany, truly to understand what that means, to understand that is everybody’s right, to understand that is everybody’s potential, to understand that in every single human being lies the possibility to be able to perfect what is their unique construct. That’s the whole point. The point is the expression of one’s unique authority, to be the master of your life, to be the master of your universe, your world or whatever.
The moment that you begin to operate correctly, the moment that you transfer the decision making process away from your mind to your Strategy and Authority is the moment that you can begin the process of transformation. And transformation is something in terms of steps that you take in a process. And yet, each of the steps you take in that process are uniquely your own. This is what substructure represents.
Substructure represents this incredible journey down into the imprinting, down to the very, very core of one’s imprinting. The possibilities that exist in any activation—a bunch of people sitting around who know Human Design and they’re suddenly talking about the 49th gate and somebody says, oh I have that and somebody says, I have that, boy, they don’t have the same gate. And when they say I have the same line as you it’s not the same.
You go underneath because underneath every single line is a Color and beneath the Color is a Tone and beneath the Tone is a Base. There are over one thousand variations for each line. And think of all the various activations that you have in your design and the thousands and thousands and thousands of combinations that are there.
Your uniqueness can be mapped. Your distinctness from the other, the beauty and possibility that lies within you—it’s like those people that are so enthralled by incarnation crosses. They think they’re holy, for God’s sake. They’re not. They may turn out to be the greatest joke of all because an incarnation cross is nothing without a being that’s fulfilling its purpose, because that’s what it points to and indicates. And it is a unique process, a unique one.
Everything about PHS Primary Health System and Rave Psychology that PHS and Rave Psychology are something that are founded on the substructure, are based on substructure knowledge. It is through the underlying themes that we are really able to see the mechanism, not the way the mechanism is displayed on the surface. I call a line a part of the script.
When I look at somebody’s design I’m looking at a character sketch. It is character sketch. You take a look at anybody’s line, you read a line you have and you think, aha this is me. Well, yeah, in a way it’s you, that is, the line is a generalization. It can’t be anything else because beneath it are a thousand different possibilities. It’s a generic. And what lies underneath is the actor that’s going to bring life to that line.
Think about how many people have played Hamlet. Oh, a lot of people have played Hamlet. If you count all the high school, college, plus professional performances of Hamlet, thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people have played Hamlet. Ah, the Prince, yes. And they’ve all read, some not so well, the same lines, all those Hamlets. Not all of them were Sir Laurence Olivier. Not all of them found magic in their lines. Not all of them actually seem to be living their lines, enthralled in them, captured in them, alive in them.
You don’t find any of this on the surface. The surface is a costume. I’m a Clarion, Cross of the Clarion, the left angle. There are probably 50, 60, 70 million of us in the world. There is only one me. The Clarion is a Clarion. They do a certain job. What they bring to that job is something else. It’s in their design, it’s in their particular scripting, and then it’s in the actor or actress underneath that is going to be there to fill out that role. It’s all role-playing. Your profile is a role. It’s why I love Shakespeare; it’s just a play, what I call the movie.
Speaking of which, an odd place to put this in, but nonetheless it jumped into my mind, a little non sequitur. There was a devastating plane crash not too long ago here in Spain in Madrid. It was an airplane trying to get off the ground and didn’t get off the ground and smashed down. There were very, very few survivors. One of the survivors was a child six or seven years old. The child had been thrown out of the plane and landed in a marshy area and managed to survive the whole thing and was picked up by a crew member. The first thing that the child said to the crew member is, “When is this movie over?” And I thought such a thing.
This is the drama of life, this is the movie. The movie is all role-playing. It’s all role-playing. It’s what we’re designed for; it’s how we’re homogenized. We’re all homogenized in these constructs. Why do you think that nothing is changed in the arts for thousands of years? And what I mean by that is they are still telling the same stories, aren’t they? Boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy meets boy, girl meets girl, girl meets boy and girl, boy and girl meets girl and boy, what are you going to do. And the roles that are associated with that, the virgins and the crones, the good guys and the bad guys, the silent type, the “this and that,” are all roles. It’s all role- playing.
You can see the same roles going back. I love mythology. You look at the Gods. You can pick out a line of Gods maybe six or seven of them from different places in the world and they’re all doing the same job. What’s your job? I’m into thunder. Do you know how many thunder Gods there are all doing the same thunder trip? We live in a role-playing world. This is where everybody gets caught. This is where everybody is homogenized. Everybody is homogenized in the movie. They have no idea what’s going on. They don’t; none whatsoever.
Trapped underneath is this unique force, the actor or actress that can transform the lines and make them their own. It’s one of those great comments that you see made about a great performance of any actor or actress. They made the lines their own, they made the part their own, and they brought it alive in some unique way. The magic of that is what is there beneath the line, not what’s there on the surface.
It’s why so much of what you have to do in this life, what you have to do in this process of Human Design is shatter that surface, see the movie for what it is, begin to be aware and begin to find your way to put your stamp on your role. You can’t erase them. I can’t stop being the Clarion, but when you’re correct you will discover that what is there and necessary for you to manifest, to bring out so that you can express that uniqueness, it’ll be there.”
-Ra Uru Hu