“This is the 3rd line and this is what you deal with. I was blessed with a very powerful ego; it saved me. But the reality is the 3rd line really gets punished. There is nobody there patting it on the back when it does something good. They‟re so used to screwing things up that when they‟re good they’re expecting the worse. If you‟re the parent of a 3rd line child and they manage to cross from the end of the room to the other without anything being destroyed, you never give up alertness because you know they have to come back. Well, so far so good. Let‟s see if they make it back this way…
But it’s very important for 3rd line beings to understand that because they are genetically designed to be these instruments of discovery, that they meet every crack, they meet every failure, they meet the potential for things to go wrong. They do, they’re designed for things fall apart in their hands and in their life, this is what they‟re here for, and how fascinating it can be if your psyche is geared towards the exploration of that, rather than the victimization, because it‟s a totally different frequency. As a 3rd line being, when you know something’s going to go wrong and it does, there‟s actually a glee even if it hurts.
You‟re a 3rd line being, and you smash your car, and there is a part of you going (laughter). And it‟s not, ah, this is going to cost a fortune and this was so stupid and why did I do that and I don‟t know how to drive. Or transferring it to the other and calling them an idiot and the police come and there are people screaming and yelling and there are problems and there are suits and countersuits, what a mess. Treat your 3s and your 3/6s and your 6s well.”
~Ra Uru Hu