“Everything operating out of the individual process is subject to radical changes and moods. Now of course we have clinical terminology for all of that. The real power of the spiking in the emotional melancholy is when, of course, that capacity is emotionalized. In other words that the moment that you bring a defined Solar Plex Center together with individuality, then of course what you have is emotionalized melancholy.
The nature of schizophrenia as it’s looked at by the medical community is this—just on the surface, simple level—is this radical changing of mood. In other words, what I call turning on a dime. People who look at you,—I lived with somebody who was clinically schizophrenic and somebody who was, by the way, individually emotional and it was an astonishing thing to experience that. He would go along fine for days, everything would be great, and very friendly and very warm and all kinds of things, and it would change. I actually watched his face change. I actually watched him go through that transition in front of me. It was horrifying to watch that. It was like out of some kind of a bad movie, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
So the reality is that because individuals can go on a plateau for a long time in their emotional process, the moment that you bring in this emotional spiking, they can go down very, very, very quickly and very deeply. Now the moment you have that as part of a pattern in your process, unless you understand how it works, your condition is something that is going to be reacted to by the other and it’s the other that turns it into schizophrenia. Please understand that.
The moment somebody sees you drop like that, is the moment that they really think that you’re really sick, and it’s the moment that they feed you into that sickness. In other words, they reinforce that in you. They give you a reason why you’re spiking down like that and they give you drugs to compensate for it. And of course you end up being a prisoner of that conditioning.
The fact of the matter is that almost all individuals can appear to be schizophrenic at any given time, truly. They can turn so easily in their mood. And thank God that all of them aren’t being witnessed by people with a ready pen to write prescriptions, because of course they’d all be dosed up all the time. They would be,—give them Lithium. That’s the solution today. They give you Lithium, and they even you out and they get rid of all of that. And they think that they’re really doing you a lot of good when there wasn’t anything wrong with you in the first place except they made you sick.
This is the whole thing about why I put so much emphasis on talking about health and design. It’s not about you just being healthy yourself by living out your Type, it’s about recognizing how much illness we put onto our children, that we raise our children to be sick later in life, that we condition them to be ill. This is going on all the time at all kinds of levels in the world.
It’s one of the most important tasks that we have in the ability that you have to be able to reach out to all kinds of people and to be able to give them a clear recognition of their nature so that they aren’t these polluting forces in the world, distorting forces. So this whole business of the nature of being schizophrenic, in that sense, the nature of turning quickly on moods, the nature of dropping like a stone and all of that, it’s all natural. There’s nothing wrong with it and there’s nothing wrong with those people.
There has never been anything wrong with me in my life because I’ve been melancholic, but I spent a good deal of my life thinking that there was. And of course the moment that you think that something about your nature is wrong or unhealthy or incorrect is the moment that you really begin to eat yourself alive. You begin to tear at yourself, you begin to blame yourself, you begin to blame others. You go through this whole horrendous process. It’s not what it’s about.
That was one of my resistances to esoterics and one of my resistances to religion when I was a younger man. Because being melancholic, I realized that nothing was ever going to alleviate my sadness. I was always going to be sad and I saw that all of these people were pitching happiness, and it just didn’t make any sense to me. I always assumed that couldn’t be for me. What’s that got to do with me. I’m not going to walk around the rest of my life smiling. That’s not who I am.
And it’s so clear, the prejudice that we bring to,—and again individuality and emotionality. When I mention those two things and the prejudice that comes to children carrying those elements, you have to see that they’re incredibly common. The individual definition is incredibly common. There’s so many ways that that can happen.
We know the presence and power of the defined Solar Plex Center and these are the children that are most distorted growing up. They are are the ones then that bring those problems of their conditioning into the world. And, all of that is simply about not understanding, being unaware, and then saying that your children are sick.
Being a product of post-second world war being, I’ve seen so many children put into therapy. It’s a way of life for people now. They put their kids into institutions because they can’t get along with them. They put their kids into institutions because they take drugs. They put their kids into institutions because they have sex. It’s incredible what they do. And all of that out of a complete lack of understanding of what they’re dealing with, themselves as beings, being ignorant of their own nature, being ignorant of the nature of their children. And then taking that whole conditioned ignorance and using it against their very children in the deluded idea that they’re actually going to make them better citizens, healthier citizens, better people, all that junk.
It is astonishing how many individual and emotional children and how many children with undefined Solar Plexus who are institutionalized, who are drugged, who are in therapy, and who are deep disappointments to their families. It’s astonishing. And of course they bring their families down. The whole thing is a self-fulfilling horror story. So, to be able to tell people it’s one of things that I love so much about having so many women involved in Human Design is so many of them are mothers and that’s the first step. They can then turn this around and they empower their children with this knowledge because this is what it’s all about. It’s the most important thing.”
-Ra Uru Hu