Counting on Myself to be my Unique Self

“Basically what I have been trying to get across to you is everything about life is that it is out of our control. There is a vast program at work. We are all so deeply susceptible to conditioning it is so easy for human beings to be lost and at the same time understanding that that is our planet. It is the planet of the lost. This is where everybody lives as not-self. You can begin to see that this process of discovering your uniqueness is something that only you can do.

That is the most difficult thing to grasp about this is that it is only something that you can do. It isn’t something that anyone else can do. It isn’t something that anyone else can do for you. It is nice to have support I know that, it’s nice when you have moments like this and you have different people who are involved with the knowledge. It is comforting to hear the way it works for others, the process and all of that but in the end life is a moment by moment existential experience.

We are here right now this is our process. It isn’t about what was, what might be, what could be, what should be, it isn’t about any of those things. It’s never truly been about all those things but the more intelligent you become the denser the maia because we make it the more complex it seems that life is. The more complex it seems that the process of life is. We understand the biological constraints of this life, the limitations of our bodies, our gender, the limitation in our relationships, the burden of our responsibilities as a bioform to reproduce, to maintain shelter, food, all of these things.

To be here on this plane we all know is a very difficult thing and yet you have to see something. You have to begin to enjoy your privilege. And I really mean that because if you don’t enjoy the privilege you are lost.

You have a very unique and special trajectory in this life otherwise you wouldn’t have anything to do whatsoever with this knowledge and this is not passing knowledge. This is not something you take in because it is interesting because it is not what it is about. It is a basic formula that provides anyone with an opportunity for anyone to navigate through this maia correctly.

And the beauty of this is it is not what I say, it isn’t. It isn’t about trusting me, it isn’t. It’s never been about that. It’s you that you’ve got to trust, not me…you have to count on yourself.”

~Ra Uru Hu

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